Have you, or anyone you know ever suffered a head trauma such as a concussion? Filmmaker, K.J. Kleefeld knows first hand how head trauma effects an individual and their family and friends. That is why he is directing and producing a new documentary, REPERCUSSIONS: The Rippling Effect Of Head Trauma.
In this film, join K.J. as he seeks to understand the cause of head trauma, it’s after effects on the individual who’s suffered the injury and their family and friends. Listen to interviews with professional and amateur athletes, people who have suffered head trauma from non-athletic events and experts who study the science and treat head trauma.
By watching this film, you will understand how head trauma effects everyone. Therefore, after watching this film you will learn how to prevent concussions and how to manage symptoms such as depression and personality changes, if one shall occur.
REPERCUSSIONS has been accepted into Storyhive’s Documentary Edition contest and is eligible to win a $50,000 grant to produce the film. Therefore, we need your vote!
Between May 27th and 31st you can vote daily to enhance our chances to win and see this vision come to life.
We believe this film will help many people around the world who suffer from head trauma and offer them, and their loved ones, to have some answers to questions they harbour as a result.
We will post a link for you to vote on Monday, May 27th on our website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Watch The Trailer…
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The 4-13 Studios Team