Have an idea for a great story in feature film, short film, series, comedy special, documentary, docuseries or a music video?

We can help you with that. From development to writing the script, crews, equipment, post production to distribution, we have the knowledge and experience to help bring your vision to life.

Feature Film

I don’t know about you, but for me there’s always something special about starting an exciting journey with a compelling character that takes you through unexpected twists into a definitive conclusion. The lights dim, the music whirls and you get comfortable in your seat with a bag of popcorn.

**Please note there is nudity in this video

Short Film

A short film can pack a punch in it’s format for your story at a fraction of the cost of a feature.

They can also be great to give the audience or potential investor a taste of what you want to tell in a feature.


Dramatic or comedic. Dark or light. Get your viewers hooked on your compelling story so they tune in episode after episode to vicariously live through your characters.


Explore a topic of interest giving the viewer a deeper understanding of your point of view.


Can’t say everything you want in one viewing? An ongoing Docuseries can explore all angles of a topic, educating the viewer on the pros and cons of the chosen path.

Music Video

Music isn’t just for the ears. Add a story and visuals to really build your audience. Humans like seeing faces and video is the best way to reach your fan base.